Sunday, April 15, 2012

cygwin + ipython. a perfection.

I'm one of those programmer who just loves anything about Unix, but just feels weird about using Linux GUI hence stuck with Windows 7.

The most perfect tool for us is ofcourse, Cygwin.

However, there are some (many, actually) weaknesses in Cygwin such as sometime you have to manually figure out how to install some softwares manually, instead of just invoking sudo apt-get in a Linux system.

I recently just faced this problem when trying to install ipython with numpy+scipy+matplotlib in my system in Cygwin, and had to waste all-saturday to finally have it installed correctly.

Nevertheless, It was really worth the time.

Cygwin + Ipython. is. just. amazing.
 You can literally do anything you want since there are ridiculously many amazing python libraries that you can invoke anytime you want anything you need.

I seriously recommend to every python programmer who uses Cygwin out there.


  1. Would you please enlighten us on how to achieve that? I've been having to use windows to do C# development, but I am really annoyed with the lack of a good terminal, even if can just to do ipython properly I'd be a lot happier.

    Thanks, Hassan.

  2. Hi Hassan,

    I am so agree with you on the lack of good terminals in Win platform, and that's why I want to encourage everyone to use Cygwin.

    To install ipython-0.12 in Cygwin is all written in this post:

    Please look at it and bump me up again for any questions.


  3. Please tell us how you did it next time:

  4. For the benefit of future anonymouses (anonymice?) with programming blue balls:

    pip install ipython

    Easy. :-)

  5. update...
    python -m ensurepip
    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install ipython
