Maybe this will give you a hint to backdoor the security!
First of all, you should know that every website has its own ip address, which will give you a unique identifier so your system will make sure that it visits the right page, even though there are two websites with the same name.
For example, Twitter's IP address is
If you hit to your address bar, then boom, twitter page will show up.
But that is not only it, this IP address will then be translated again to a 'human' number which is the true unique identifier.
How? First we translate the IP address to a sequence of binary numbers.
Twitter's IP address above will be translated to:
11000111 . 00111011 . 10010110 . 00100111
(Learn how to convert a number to binary)
And then, the dots exist in between will vanish and all sequences will be joined.
Guess what, this will also be the unique identifier if you convert it back again to the decimal number,
which will give us:
Try to check it out!
hit http://3342571047 to your address bar.
Anyway, all of these conversions can be done in python within 2 lines.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
print 'http://%i' % int(''.join([bin(int(x)+256)[3:] for x in sys.argv[1].split('.')]),2)
And run the program with an ip address as the argument:
$ python